Research Publications

Publications by Dr. Christine Charyton, PhD

Dr. Charyton has been publishing books and journal articles involving creativity and innovation for over 28 years. Creativity is defined as a positive construct that comes from our Creator.


Charyton, C. (2008). Creativity (Scientific, artistic, general) and risk tolerance
among engineering and music students. VDM Verlag Publishing: Saarbrücken,
Charyton, C. (2013). Creative Engineering Design Assessment (CEDA): Background,directions, manual, scoring guide and uses. Springer-Verlag: London, United Kingdom.
Charyton, C. (Ed.) (2015). Creativity and innovation among science and art: A
discussion of the two cultures. Springer-Verlag: London, United Kingdom.
Charyton, C. (2003). Women’s Scientific Creativity: That Contributes to Society.
Ghostwriting Galaxy, TX. Xаритон, Xристинa (under review). Оцінка креативності інженерного дизайну
(ОКІД). Перекладачі з ангійської: Микола Шинкарик, Тарас П’ятковський,
Маріанна Клочко, Мирослава Мудрак та Христина Харитон.
Charyton, C. (under review). Pilgrimage: A mindful journey.
Charyton, C. (under review). The Heavenly 100 Plus!



Charyton, C. (2015). Creative Engineering Design: The meaning of creativity and
innovation in engineering. In C. Charyton (Ed.). Creativity and innovation among science and art: A discussion of the two cultures. Springer-Verlag: London, United

Charyton, C. (2015). The impact of improvisation on creativity: A fractal approach. In C. Charyton (Ed.). Creativity and innovation among science and art: A discussion of the two cultures. Springer-Verlag: London, United Kingdom.

Charyton, C. (2015). Culture, art and creativity: How art Intersects with Other
Disciplines or Fields in the Expression of Artistic Creativity. In C. Charyton (Ed.).
Creativity and innovation among science and art: A discussion of the two
cultures.Springer-Verlag: London, United Kingdom


Elliott, J.O., Hart, S., & Charyton, C. (2009). Knowledge, Attitudes and Epilepsy in Pinikahana, J and Walker, C. (Eds.). Social Epileptology: Understanding Social
Aspects of Epilepsy. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY.

Charyton,C. Ivcevic, Z., Plucker, J.A., & Kaufman, J.C. (2009). Creativity Assessment for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Educational Programs. In C. Schreiner (Ed.).Handbook of Research on Assessment Technologies, Methods and Applications in Higher Education (pp.78-96). IGI Global: Hershey, PA.

Charyton,C. & Snelbecker, G.E. (2009). Risk Taking. In B. Kerr (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent (pp. 740-741). Sage Publications: New York, NY.



Charyton, C., Hall, C.W. & Benson, J. (under review). Coltrane and the Brain: How his music may help prevent seizures in persons with epilepsy akin to Mozart.  

Charyton, C. (under review). How the United States of America can help Ukraine embark on a path to true democracy.  

Alfred, B., Wishart, D., Martinez, L., Shoenberg, H., Minsky, S., Meyers, G. Elliott, J. and Charyton, C. (2018). Deliniation of agricultural drainage pipe patterns using ground penetrating radar integrated with a real-time kinematic global navigation satellite system. Agriculture, 8 (167), 1-14.


Charyton, C., DeDios, S. L. and Nygren, T. E. (2015). Scientific productivity and idea acceptance in Nobel laureates. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 49(4),245-262.

Charyton, C., DeDios, S. L. and Nygren, T. E. (2014). Scientific productivity and idea acceptance in Nobel laureates. The Journal of Creative Behavior.
doi: 10.1002/jocb.63


Charyton, C. Snelbecker, G.E. & Elliott, J.O. & Rahman, M.A. (2013). College
students’general creativity as a predictor of cognitive risk tolerance.International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 23 (2), 79-96

Charyton, C., Holden J.G., Jagacinski, R.J. & Elliott, J.O. (2012). A historical and
fractal perspective on the life and saxophone solos of John Coltrane. Jazz
Perspectives, 6,3, 311-335. doi:10.1080/17494060.2013.806031


Charyton, C., Elliott, J.O., Rahman, M.A., *Woodard, J.L. & *Dedios, S. (2011).
Gender and science: Women Nobel laureates. Journal of Creative Behavior, 45,3, 203-21

Charyton, C., Jagacinski, R.J., Merrill, J.A., *Clifton, W. & *Dedios, S. (2011).
Assessing creativity specific to engineering with the revised Creative
Engineering Design Assessment (CEDA). Journal of Engineering
Education, 100, 4, 778-799.

Elliott, J.O., Charyton, C., McAuley, J.W. & Shneker, B.F. (2011). The impact of
marital status on epilepsy related health concerns. Epilepsy Research, 95, 200-

Elliott, J.O., Charyton, C., Spranger, P., Lu, B. & Moore, J.L. (2011). The impact of marriage and social support in persons with active epilepsy. Epilepsy &Behavior,
20, 533-538.


Charyton, C., Elliott, J.O., Moore, J.L. & Klatte, E.T. (2010). Is it time to consider cognitive behavioral therapy for persons with epilepsy?: Clues from pathophysiology, treatment and functional neuroimaging. Expert Reviews in
Neurotherapeutics, 10 (12), 1911-1927.

Charyton, C., Woodard, J.L. & Rahman, M.A., & Elliott, J.O. (2010). What are
Significant Predictors of the Nobel Prize in Science? International Journal of
Creativity and Problem Solving, 20 (2), 73-83.


Charyton, C., Elliott, J.O., Lu, B., & Moore, J.L. (2009). Social support and quality of life in persons with epilepsy. Epilepsia, 50 (S11), 60-61 (Abstract).

Charyton, C., Elliott, J.O., Lu, B. & Moore, J.L. (2009). The effects of social support
on health related quality of life in persons with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior,
16, 640-645

Moore, J.L., Elliott, J.O., Lu, B., Klatte, E., & Charyton, C. (2009). Psychological distress in persons with epilepsy in the 2005 California Health Interview Survey.
Epilepsia, 50 (5), 1077-1084.

Elliott, J.O., Charyton, C., Lu, B., & Moore, J.L. (2009). Serious psychological distress and health outcomes for persons with epilepsy in poverty. Seizure, 18 (5),332-338.

Charyton, C. & Merrill, J.A. (2009). Assessing general creativity and engineering design
creativity in freshmen engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education,
98 (2), 145-156.
(also cited in Encyclopedia Britannica online retrieved November 18, 2009 from

Elliott, J.O., Lu, B., Shneker, B.F., Charyton, C. & Moore, J.L. (2009). Comorbidity,
health screening and quality of life among persons with a history of epilepsy.
Epilepsy & Behavior, 14(1):125-9.

Charyton, C., *Hutchison, S., *Snow, L. Rahman, M.A., & Elliott, J.O. (2009).
Creativity as an attribute of positive psychology: The impact of positive and negative affect on creative personality. Journal of Creativity and Mental Health, 4, 57-66.


Charyton, C., *Basham, K., & Elliott, J. (2008). Examining gender with general creativity and preferences for creative persons in college students within the sciences and the arts. Journal of Creative Behavior, 42(3), 216-222.
Charyton, C., Elliott, J.O., Moore, J.L., & Lu, B. (2008). Serious psychological distress among persons with a history of epilepsy in poverty, California health interview survey, 2005, Epilepsia, 49 (suppl. 7), 254-255. (Abstract).
Huang, T., & Charyton, C. (2008). A comprehensive review of the psychological
effects of brain entrainment. Alternative Therapies and Health Medicine, 14 (5)
38-50.(also cited and retrieved March, 11, 2011 from ENTRAINMENT)
Charyton,C., Jagacinski, R.J., & Merrill, J.A. (2008). CEDA: A research instrument for creative engineering design. Psychology of Aesthetics and Creativity in the Arts, 2 (3), 147- 154


Elliott, J.O., Charyton, C., & Long, L. (2007). A health literacy assessment of the National Epilepsy Foundation website. Epilepsy & Behavior, 11,(4) 525-532.

Charyton, C., & Snelbecker, G.E. (2007). General, Artistic and Scientific Creativity Attributes of Engineering and Music Students. Creativity Research Journal, 19 (2-3), 213-225.

Charyton, C. & Snelbecker, G.E. (2007). Engineers’ and Musicians’ Choices of Self-Descriptive Adjectives as Potential Indicators of Creativity by Gender and Domain. Psychology of Aesthetics and Creativity in the Arts, 1 (2), 91-99.


Charyton, C. (2006). What is the relationship between sexual orientation, bisexuality and creativity? Journal of Bisexuality, 6 (4), 51-71.



Charyton, C. (2005). Creativity (Scientific, artistic, general) and risk tolerance
among engineering and music students. (Doctoral Dissertation, Temple
University, 2004).


Charyton, C. (2002). The relationship of creativity in psychosocial development: A
literature review. The Social Science Paper Publisher, 5,14-20.
Charyton, C. (2002). The mozart effect: Classical music and infant cognitive
development. Journal of Integrative Psychology, Fall 2002.